Exploring the 'cultural tourism-sustainable development' nexus: the case of Croatia

Damir Demonja, Tatjana Gredičak


Modern environment in which operate tourism-economic factors is characterized by a high level of instability and the dynamics of change. Changes with its influences determine external operating conditions, over which micro organizational units have no control. In order to successfully survive it is necessary to identify and adapt to them. Marketing strategy of cultural heritage tourist valorization, in this context, appears as an adequate approach. Strategic management enables planning on an analysis of past events, and in a special way takes into account estimates and projections of future conditions of the environment. Also, it should take into account that the coexistence of cultural heritage with the achievements of modern life is defined with sustainable development syntax.

This paper in which research, formulation and presentation of the results were used the methods of analysis and synthesis, comparative, descriptive and historical methods outlines the development and analyzes the current state of cultural tourism in Croatia, and discusses approach to effective strategic marketing management of cultural heritage tourist valorization, focusing on the sustainable development of tourism.

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Croatia, cultural heritage, sustainable development, marketing, strategy

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