Dimitrios K. Dapontas


The flow work is focused around discovering the aspects that fixed Argentina's during the recent (2014) crisis nation's destiny. Variables focused around prior analysis utilizing the logistic regression model conveyed for a twelve years period (2002-2013 to clarify the occurrence and checking whether conceivable elements could be foreseeable. The results demonstrate that foreign exchange reserves reduction, monetary aggregates (M3) raise, crises in trading partners, oil price and consumer price index level seem to boost early 2014 turbulence and they also predicted accurately the forthcoming crisis. Also the development of the phenomenon was rapid giving positive signs later than the previous works suggested.  The capital flight named as the major factor that led to depreciation is statistically unimportant.

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crisis model generations; contagion; foreign exchange reserves; monetary policy

JEL Codes

E02, E47


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