Innovation, Innovativeness and Gender – Approaching Innovative Gender

Ewa Okon-Horodynska, Anna Maria Zachorowska-Mazurkiewicz


This paper deals with the attempt to search for the sources of creativity in the broad sense in solving problems. These creative solutions become innovations. The ability to develop innovation depends on the multi-dimensional predispositions to solve problems – those found in people, inspired by the market, organised or spontaneous, as well as facilitated or hampered by the state. Yet, the aforementioned factors should be supplemented with one more – gender. In the chapter attention is paid to the multi-dimensional differences stemming from gender, which should be perceived as a positive element, because they are the source of synergy resulting from collaboration among research or business teams in the process of innovation. The chapter introduces the concept of 'innovative gender' and its institutional framework. The methodological inspiration is the model known in the literature as the Innovation Genome, the conceptualization of which constitutes a major part of the study. 

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institutions; creativity; innovation; innovativeness; gender;

JEL Codes

B52, B54, O31


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DOI: 10.1515/aicue-2015-0001