Economic insecurity as systemic risk

Ion Pârțachi, Eugeniu GÂRLĂ


Difficulties related to the problem of evaluating the economic security / insecurity, including the threshold of economic security / insecurity, namely the impossibility of giving an analytical description of a criterion entirely made up of a set of indicators describing the degree of economic security / insecurity, makes more and more researchers, including the authors, to seek indirect ways of finding solutions, for example considering systemic risk., as a measure of evaluation. Thus, starting from a new approach, and given the specific components of systemic risk to financial stability: the banking sector, corporate sector, public sector, volume of credits, economic activity index the threshold vector of economic security / insecurity can be developed. The study shows that systemic risk can be used to measure the threshold of economic security /insecurity.

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security, food security, inflation, inflation rates, financial stability, econometric models, stochastic models, optimization models

JEL Codes

C02, C63, E27, E32


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