Tomasz Hermaniuk


Since the early nineties of the twentieth century in the international arena began the interest in the issues of sustainable consumption and production. Undoubtedly, an important category of products, which have a significant impact on the environment, are food products. The intensive agriculture focused mainly on performance and reduction of manufacturing costs leads inevitably to destructive actions that have measurable adverse effects on the environment.

The main aim of this paper is to present the results of consumer research concerning attitudes and opinions of customers towards organic food products. In a society the awareness of the importance of organic production for society is growing. However, the interest in organic products appears to be still relatively small. In these circumstances it seems to be important to discover and describe the factors which could potentially increase the interest of the costumers in organic food, which would lead to the growth in the demand for it. 

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organic food, quality, marketing of food products, food industry, consumers' behaviour

JEL Codes

M3, R2, Q1


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