Alexandru Al. TUGUI


In this paper we discuss about the evolution of the information technologies (IT) market and about the achievements and trends in the ERP market, e-Health, e-Education, e-government, mobile applications, e-Religion, cloud computing, social networks and social media, in the case of Romania, one of the Eastern European countries with an emerging economy. Our paper aims at achieving a valuable synthesis of the IT market in Romania, synthesizing the most knowledgeable opinions of IT specialists. All the aspects presented here offer us a dynamic image of the potential and tendencies on the IT market in Romania, as a country with an emerging market economy for the near future. In conclusion, we think that the IT industry and market may provide one of the solutions that will limit the effects of the economic crisis in Romania.

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IT market; ERP market; e-Health; e-Education; e-government; mobile applications; e-Religion; cloud computing; social networks; social media; trends


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