
Economy, both as the daily practice and the theory, is too often considered as something of its own rather than as a tool serving human happiness and well-being. Humans are not only economic beings – producers, exchangers, and consumers – but miltilayered. Thus, it has to develop a modern model of human resources management, by which the gap between various educated personnel and the offer on the labour market shall exceed, and to ensure the top professionals. Changing values, higher education and experiences, as well as increasing needs and requirements of new consumers, require educated, communicative and innovative labour force capable of making value for the consumers. Thus, the activity of development and qualification of human resources aiming the improvement of individual’s efficiency becomes of key importance. For the layout of the model of HR-management the attention should be paid to other important aspects as well.

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Management, Human Resources Management, new model of HR-management, Well-Being, SWB

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