Merike Kaseorg, Lee Pukkonen


This study investigates an intern as someone who is in training, who may be paid, but who is a temporary employee (Tovey, 2001); internship as a supplement or complement to academic instruction in environmental science. This article reviews roles during internship and also satisfaction with the internship program from three perspectives: intern, site supervisor and university supervisor. The data from site supervisors and interns was collected through a web-based questionnaire. Survey was carried out during 2012-2013. The sample consists of 418 interns and 194 institutions providing internship. Interviews with the university supervisors are planned for winter 2014. The study gives and overview of the state if internship in Estonia. The data have been discussed in the context of the related literature.

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knowledge transfer, roles, satisfaction, university-industry collaborations

JEL Codes

I21, L00, L20


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