IT applications in logistics and their influence on the competitiveness of enterprises/supply chains

Susana Garrido Azevedo, Tatiana Miraldes, Fernando Charrua-Santos, Luís António Mendes, João Carlos Oliveira Matias


This paper aims to study the influence of Information Technologies on the competitiveness of companies/supply chains. That is, it intends to analyze if the adoption of Information Technologies contributes to improve costs, time and customer service.

To attain this objective a case study and content analysis methodology is used.

Results indicate that there is a positive relation between the adoption of technologies, namely RFID, A.R. and the competitiveness of companies/supply chains. By the use of these technologies it is possible to improve several processes across the supply chain, as well as the reduction of costs related to labor, improvement in inventories and management of transport channels as well as an improvement on customer service. The improvement of these indicators has as consequence a gain in competitiveness allowing the companies to respond to the market needs in a differentiated way increasing by this way the customers’ satisfaction.

As the information technologies have been considered very important for businesses it is crucial to improve our understanding on the main advantages associates with them and their contribution for competitiveness improvement of companies and supply chains, so this paper represents an important contribution for academics and professionals in this field.

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Logistics; Information-technology; competitiveness; company, Supply Chain

JEL Codes

E29, F23


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