Valentinas Navickas, Valentas Gruzauskas


The strategies of competitive advantage are changing dramatically, because of high technology development. The data size in the world is multiplying rapidly - the amount of information in the world doubles every 12 months. Therefore, the authors analyzed big data in the food supply chain. The food industry‘s supply is complicated, because of various regulations and a demand for high quality products just on time. Various companies are transporting partial freight. Therefore, the visibility, lead-time and cost minimization is essential for them. However, they are unable to use all the gathered information and are not utilizing the potential that is possible. The problem of data analysis is a bigger concern to the smaller markets. Many of the small markets are less developed countries that still is not using big data in their enterprises. In addition, new technologies are developing in the big data industry. Therefore, the gap of technology will increase even more between the large and small markets. The analyzed innovation level and technology usage indicated a need for the food industry to change competiveness strategies. Therefore, the authors developed a competiveness strategy that is oriented to the small market’s food industry. 

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Keywords: Big data, supply chain, logistics, competiveness, food industry, small market.

JEL Codes

C80, L66, L91



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