Angelica Nicoleta NECULĂESEI


An increasing importance is given to intercultural research in management. The cultural “inheritance” of individuals is of interest to us from a double perspective: a) to avoid problems that can arise from ignoring their value profile, b) for valuing it by positive “exploitation”. Cultural positioning is achieved by comparisons made according to certain criteria (cultural dimensions). They are known in the literature and for ethical approaches they emphasize cultural similarities and differences. Although they largely reflect the values of culture, they can not cover issues that come from the known sphere for the ones who propose them. Based on this idea, in this study we have adapted cultural dimensions to the Romanian cultural specificity elements, based on a comprehensive inventory of values, developed following a diachronic exploratory analysis. Furthermore, we have proposed two new dimensions that reflect regional specificities.

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culture, cultural dimensions, inventory of values, national/regional peculiarity

JEL Codes

A29, I23,


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